Sunday, 18 December 2011

Example of Present Continuous and Simple Present

Right now I am in a class. All of my friends are busy with their own activities. Zali is writing some note on his book. I think he is doing his homework from Mr. Endro. He always does the homework on time. On the other hand, Sidik is singing with his friends. It seems that he often sings because his voice sounds very well. At the corner of the class, Ardi and Winda are having a chat privately. Nobody knows what they are talking about. In front of the class, one of my hyperactive friends, Trisna, is talking to Eko. I think that Eko can do nothing because Trisna is speaking without any comma. Those are activities which my friends are doing in my lovely class. 

Itulah contoh penggunaan Present Continuous dan Simple Present.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Present Continuous

Fungsi Present Continuous

Fungsi pertama Present Continuous digunakan untuk menunjukkan aktifitas yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (pada saat bicara).
He is speaking English now
They are listening to music right now
I am watching a movie now

Di dalam present continuous, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah (is/am/are + verb-ing)
is untuk subjek He/she/it/tunggal
am untuk subjek I
are untuk subjek they/we/you

Bentuk positive, negative, and interrogative sentences

They are listening to music now
They are not listening to music now
Are they listening to music now?

Fungsi kedua dari Present Continuous adalah menunjukkan aktifiitas yang sedang berlangsung pada kurun waktu tertentu (this week, this month, this year, this semester, this summer, this holiday, etc)
This semester I am studying History subject
(dalam kalimat ini bukan berarti saya belajar History secara terus menerus, tetapi dalam kurun waktu semester ini saya sedang belajar History)
This year I am writing a novel
(dalam kalimat ini dijelaskan saya sedang dalam proses menulis sebuah novel dalam kurun waktu satu tahun ini)

Itulah penjelasan singkat tentang Present Continuous. Semoga bermanfaat!:)

Monday, 5 December 2011

Example of Simple Present

My Friend's Daily Activities 

I have a friend. His name is Eko. He always gets up early every morning. He almost never gets up late. At 6 o'clock he usually does sport. After that, he takes a bath and prepares to go to school. He goes to school by bicycle. He arrives at school at 06.30, then he studies until 02.30. After school, he usually takes a nap. After he takes a nap, he doesn't forget to do his homework.

In the evening, Eko watches TV before he studies. At 10.00 pm he goes to bed.

jangan lupa penggunaan s/es dalam kalimat positif jika subjeknya tunggal. lihat lagi materi yang saya posting sebelumnya! :)

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Penambahan S/ES di Simple Present

Kata kerja di Simple Present harus di tambah s/es dengan syarat ;
1. Kalimat positif
2. Subjeknya Tunggal (He/She/it)

She eats rice every day.
Agus goes to office from Monday until Friday
He often comes late to the class
She doesn't goes to the class (SALAH), seharusnya She doesn't go to the class (lihat Syarat)
Does she goes to the class? (SALAH), seharusnya Does she go to the class? (lihat Syarat)

Kapan Harus Menambahkan s atau es

Kaidah 1
Pada dasarnya semua kata kerja hanya ditambah s saja.
eat           eats
make       makes
ask          asks
drink       drinks
climb       climbs

Kaidah 2
untuk penambahan es, kata kerja tersebut harus berakhiran dengan huruf-huruf ss, sh, ch, x, o, dan z
Wash           washes
Pass            passes
watch          watches
fix                fixes
go                goes
do               does
buzz             buzzes

Kaidah 3
Bagaiman jika kata kerja tersebut berakhiran dengan huruf y? untuk hal ini harus dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu y yang di dahului huruf hidup dan y yang didahului huruf mati

Huruf y yang di dahului huruf mati, maka diubah menjadi ies
fly            flies
study       studies
cry          cries
try           tries

Huruf y yang di dahului huruf hidup, maka tinggal ditambah s
play              plays
pay               pays
buy               buys

Itulah cara singkat penambahan s/es pada kata kerja di Simple Present

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Simple Present

Fungsi Simple Present
Salah satu fungsi dari Simple Present yaitu menunjukkan aktivitas yang dilakukan berulang-ulang (habitual action). karena dalam bentuk present, maka verb yang digunakan adalah simple form (Verb 1). 

I eat a bowl of noodle every day. 
They climb the coconut tree almost every week 
she usually sleeps late. 

Dari ketiga contoh di ata, semuanya merupakn aktifitas yang dilakukan berulang-ulang. Dari mana kita bisa tahu? karena terdapat keterangan waktu every day, every week, dan usually. ketiga keterangan waktu (adverb) tersebut menunjukkan sesuatu yang dilakukan berulang-ulang.

Bagaiman jika kita ingin menegatifkan atau membuat pertayaan dari sebuah kalimat?
Dalam setiap tenses, selalu membutuhkan Auxiliary Verb (Kata Kerja bantu). Begitu juga di dalam Simple Present, Auxiliary Verb membantu dalam membentuk kalimat negativ maupun interrogatif (kalimat tanya). karena pada umunya kita tidak bisa mengatakan I not eat a bowl of noodle every day. Kata not tersebut tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, maka harus dibantu dengan Auxiliary verb, yaitu do. Jadi kalimat yang benar menjadi I don't eat a bowl of noodle every day. 

Auxiliary Verb di Simple Present  

Auxiliary Verb (Kata Kerja Bantu) di Simple Present adalah DO  dan  DOES. 
DO untuk sebjuk They/we/i/you atau subjek yang jamak
DOES untuk subjek He/She/it atu subjek yang tunggal

They eat bananas every day.
They do not eat bananas every day
Do they eat bananas every day? 

Itulah penjelasan simple tentang Simple Present. if you have any comments or questions about Simple Present, you may post on this blog.

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hi guys...
welcome to my blog. this blog is designed as the space of learning for everyone who wants to learn only. he.. I'll post my writing about some update news, my English subject materials in my collage, or some English explanations of my English Institution Course ( Crazy in English (CIE)). the language which is used in this blog could be in English or in our lovely language, Bahasa Indonesia. some suggestions, advice, and critics are really needed for this blog from you all.